Capriccio Music Samples 


"Why dincha stop me ?" from the movie "JUNK" produced by Capriccio Music Inc.

"メインテーマ" from the movie "罪の余白" produced by Capriccio Music Inc.

"Goodbye Mother" from the movie "RED COW" produced by Capriccio Music Inc.

"フレア〜愛のテーマ" from the movie "FLARE" produced by Capriccio Music Inc.

"Aria The Earth Song" from the movie "ワンネス〜運命引き寄せの黄金律〜"
produced by Capriccio Music Inc.

"The Main Theme" from the movie "花鳥籠" produced by Capriccio Music Inc.

"新潟国体イメージソング〜ガムシャラな風になれ" produced by Masayoshi Hanasaki

"Opening Theme" from the TV "世界不思議発見" arranged by Shinya Naito

The copyright in those music & sound recordings is owned by Capriccio Music Inc.
